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Default Calories in herba mate


Google is your friend, and this url gives the regular maté profile.

The best way to find out about the flavored versions is to call the
company directly or having a friend who is diabetic call the company to
ask for the sugar and calorie contents.

BTW, the majorority of this group seem to adhere to the most restricted
definition of tea, whereas the English view of leaves infused in water
is more apt to describe my approach. Although I dislike the bergamots
and fermented teas except as trace tastes in my own blends, I do
constantly experiment with tisanes as part of the culinary, health and
herbalist hobbies.
Black currant and raspberry leaf tea

Alex Kurd wrote:
> I have sadly become addicted to the delicious herba mates on
> I have already gone through about half a pound of
> their MateChino, and was going to reorder when I noticed they now have
> a tiramisu flavor so I picked up a quarter pound of that instead.
> However, I'm a bit afraid of the unspecified but most likely ungodly
> number of calories in these (damn lightweight rowing). Can anyone give
> a good estimate of the number of calories that would come from a 6 pot
> cup of either of these, assuming one teaspoon on mate per cup (not
> including milk/sugar)? I know this isn't, but I was
> hoping someone might be able to provide some insight since specialteas
> doesn't seem to respond to email.

s have been around for at leat 2,000 years in constant use and maybe
longer, mountain sage tea from Greece predates the Egyptian Empire as
just a couple of examples.