Once again I've emailed 2
> companies about this, neither of which have responded, and google turns
> up nothing. Also, I don't take this with sugar and if I add milk then
> it's only a negligible amount of skim, which is why I specifically
> asked for the values without milk and sugar.
Hmm, I did a simple google search for "yerba mate calories" and found quite
a few sites with info. According to what I found a tisane of Mate has no
calories. You can find the info he
Of course I have no idea if the info included on the webpages is correct, or
how many calories are in the specific tea you mention.
"Alex Krupp" > wrote in message
> > It contains cocoa and white chocolate chips. Add your requisite sugar
> > and milk, and of course it's going to be packed with calories.
> Lets assume that I would drink about one 6 cup pot of this a day.
> Secondly, lets assume that, as per the instructions on the package, I
> would use one teaspoon per 6 ounce cup. Thirdly, lets assume a teaspoon
> is about 2 grams, maybe 3 at most. If I were drinking 6 teaspoons of
> pure cocoa, then at the 15 calories per tablespoon (3 tsp) it would
> amount to 30 calories if I were drinking pure cocoa. Now on the other
> hand if I were drinking pure white chocolate, then at 6 tsp, or 12
> grams, it would be about 50 calories assuming the 420 calories per 100
> grams figure I found on the net is correct. However in reality cocoa
> and white chocolate make up only a very small part of this blend.
> Therefore I'm not really concerned with the extra 10 or 15 calories per
> pot coming from the cocoa/white chocolate, but rather am more concerned
> about the nutritional content of Mate itself. Once again I've emailed 2
> companies about this, neither of which have responded, and google turns
> up nothing. Also, I don't take this with sugar and if I add milk then
> it's only a negligible amount of skim, which is why I specifically
> asked for the values without milk and sugar.
> > Your mention of a dorm room suggests that you're a college student.
> Cornell University
> > Perhaps it's time to outgrow the childish tastes that drive you to
> > yourself throughout the day on what amounts to candy in a cup.
> This is true if it's as high in empty calories as cola. But if it's
> tasty, healthful, and as nutrient-rich as the intarweb claims, AND has
> a moderate to low caloric value then it seems like a win-win situation.
> You're right about my sweet tooth being a childish desire, but then
> again when you work out four hours a day and eat mostly salads and
> vegetables then you get strange cravings for otherwise unkosher stuff
> like this. 
> > Fill
> > your thermos with an unenriched infusion of some sort -- tea or herbs or
> > whatever -- and be done with it.
> I drink lots of real single estate teas and some chai throughout the
> day, but more than two or so pots upsets my stomach so I was hoping
> Mate with Mateine/theobromine(from the cocoa) would be a little bit
> gentler on my digestive system than tea with its caffeine/theophylline.
> > --crymad
> Alex