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Leif Thorvaldson
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Default Calories in herba mate

I just received my first order of Yerba Mate and brewed up six cups in my
coffee maker. The company recommends that I place two oz in the basket with
a filter. I measured it a spoonful at a time and when I got to 1/2 oz, I
stopped. My word. If I continued and used 2 oz per pot that would yield 8
six cup pots or a total of 72 cups. I'd be through a pound in no time at
all! That's one complaint. The other is the smell and taste to me is
reminiscent of bedding straw in a barn. Any suggestions regarding learning
to love the taste and smell???? Would it be better if I smeared Vicks
VapoRub under my nose, like we did at crime scenes and autopsies? By the
way, the nutrition label on the 1 kg package says that there is 90 calories
in 50mg or 1.75 oz.

"Alex Krupp" > wrote in message
> I have sadly become addicted to the delicious herba mates on
> I have already gone through about half a pound of
> their MateChino, and was going to reorder when I noticed they now have
> a tiramisu flavor so I picked up a quarter pound of that instead.
> However, I'm a bit afraid of the unspecified but most likely ungodly
> number of calories in these (damn lightweight rowing). Can anyone give
> a good estimate of the number of calories that would come from a 6 pot
> cup of either of these, assuming one teaspoon on mate per cup (not
> including milk/sugar)? I know this isn't, but I was
> hoping someone might be able to provide some insight since specialteas
> doesn't seem to respond to email.