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Default not rinsing puerh

Derek > wrote in message >...
> While intrepidly exploring, Teahub - JinYuXuan
> rolled initiative and posted the following:
> > Hi Derek,
> >
> > We actually call the rinse process "to wake up tea". As the name
> > suggests, it serves the purpose of preparing the tea for
> > drinking. As you may find out from our web site
> > (, different pu-erh requires
> > different rinse time.

> And yet, not everyone who consumes Puerh does the initial rinse.
> Hence, my comment that it's a preference.
> I now rinse, and find that it improves the flavor. But the best
> thing I can do is to dump a little Comte Gris in with the puerh.
> > You mentioned the unpleasant taste of unrinsed pu-erh, my guess
> > is that the pu-erh you were drinking was not aged raw pu-erh.

> Actually, it's cave aged. So you'll have to guess again.

Hello Derek:

Can you please tell me this- are you drinking sun-dried green
processed Pu-erh or Black processed Pu-erh? That will make the answer
easier. Linda is very knowledgable about Pu-erh. I am sure, she also
want to know the answer of this question.

Well, rinsing Pu-erh is a personal choice-yes but their are some
Pu-erh, you really need to rins before your brew them.
