Thread: Green tea
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Michael Plant
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Default Green tea

Joel 4/16/04

(Mousieek) writes:
>> Has anyone tried jasmine green tea balls, I bought some that opened up

> Little balls? You might be talking about Buddha's Tears.
>> into a large carnation and also a packet that opened into lilies. The
>> taste was very different depending what on the flower. I bought them
>> from I have never seen these before has
>> anyone else tried them? what did you think? I am currently buying

> I like this tea a great deal, although I might have just been lucky to
> get some of reasonable quality. It might be heresy, but I find the
> flavour so delicate that I just leave the tea in there, and it doesn't
> seem to oversteep. The unfurling also indicates when the tea is
> ready.
> Cheers,
> - Joel

Not only is it *not* heresy, according to my understanding, but its SOP
among those Chinese guys who run around all day with their gaiwans adding
water as they go. (Nowadays, I'm given to understand, it's a glass or
plastic cylindrical contraption with a screen thingy that contains the
leaves, separating them from your mouth.) Leaves stay in the water. I've
tried this and have amassed a great collection of broken gaiwan lids to
prove it.