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Default Red Rose Green Tea

While intrepidly exploring, Michael Plant
rolled initiative and posted the following:

> Here's my suggestion, and final word:
> Try it Lew's way, try it my way, if you haven't already. It
> isn't better or worse. It's just different. You might be
> surprised. Put the tea through it's paces. Make it do all the
> tricks it's capable of. That's my policy.

Actually, I've tried it both ways. But I find that since I only
drink green tea on occassion, and rarely more than a cup at a time,
it's a waste of tea to use a lot figuring that I'll get multiple
infusions out of it.

> BTW, what tea exactly are we talkiing about here. Is it RRGT
> from teabags ripped? In that case, maybe just ignore me.

Ew. Now that's just sick.


Then there was the guy who loved his wife so much, he almost told