Dumplings in microwave pasta cooker?
If you're talking to me I don't have the link anymore. Try Googling
fasta pasta amazon
That should turn it up. Fasta Pasta is the product name.
"Storrmmee" > wrote in
> please repost link for the pasta cooker, thanks, Lee
> "KenK" > wrote in message
> ...
>>I got the microwave pasta cooker from Amazon someone here (sorry,
>> who) kindly recommended last week. Tried it yesterday - works like a
>> champ!
>> Now I wonder if it will work for dumplings. If so, I simmer them
>> about 15 min. after the water comes to a boil on the range. I wonder
>> how long would that be from a cold start in the cooker? 20 minutes
>> maybe? Or just start tasting after 15 minutes?
>> TIA
>> --
>> "Years ago fairy tales all began with 'Once upon
>> a time...'; now we know they all begin with 'If I
>> am elected...'" - Carolyn Warner
"Years ago fairy tales all began with 'Once upon
a time...'; now we know they all begin with 'If I
am elected...'" - Carolyn Warner