is it safe to eat an eel that has been frozen but not gutted?
On Tue, 5 Apr 2011 19:38:43 -0700 (PDT), Richy > wrote:
>I recently bought two eels, froze one, and gutted and cooked the
>other. The one that I froze had not been gutted, and where I bought
>them from I had asked for frozen eel but they said this was fresh and
>could be frozen, but did not mention having to gut them first.
>I've read that if an eel is not gutted and then frozen, the white
>flesh will be discoloured by blood. Will this affect the taste all
>that much? Is it still fit for consumption?
You should of gutted it when you did the other one, then put it in a large
ziplock (freezer bag) with enough water to cover the eel, and then froze it.
I wouldn't eat it.