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Michael Plant
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Default Red Rose Green Tea

Leif 4/18/04

> Jaime: I am an aficionado of Red Rose green tea in bags! My method may be
> at odds with other's, but maybe you will wish to modify it. I plunk a one
> pint ceramic mug (purchased from Starbuck's) filled with tap water
> (unfiltered) in my microwave, insert into the mug a RR teabag after
> carefully removing the tag from the string. Some folks like to leave the
> tag on for the extra smoky taste from the heated tiny staple, but I prefer
> not to mask the delicate flavor of the tea. I then set the microwave for 2
> minutes and 20 seconds, precisely. After that I continue to make my
> breakfast omelet (about 8 minutes). When that is done, I remove the cup
> from the microwave, vigorously dunk the bag up and down in the previously
> described Brit method, squeeze the bag with my fingers (burns, so watch this
> step) to drain the teabag and then add some Stevia for natural sweetening.
> Ah, the quaintness of the tea ceremony.*G*
> Leif
> P. S. You don't have to make an omelet to achieve this cup of tea, as
> crumpets, scones or Cheerios goes well with it.

Coincidentally, while my methods may differ from Leif's, the spirits match.
I take my one pint ceramic mug, stolen from Starbucks, to the cafe across
the street where tea costs half as much, have them place a teabag into my
mug with hot water, and then I return to Starbucks to relax in one of their
big cozy armchairs, studying, reading, and drinking for about five hours.
About 17-18 minutes in I remove the teabag from the mug, pressing it between
my right forefinger and the upper edge of the inner wall of the mug two or
three times. I also add approximately 1/3 of a yellow packet of Stevia from
my stash, likewise lifted from Starbucks, stirring with a wooden stick,
likewise from my stash lifted from Starbucks, eight times counterclockwise.
(I am left handed; right handed persons might choose to stir clockwise. Do
not, under any circumstances, change direction.)

As Leif implies by his failure to mention the aroma or taste of the tea,
style is everything, and it is best to disgard the resultant brew into the
Starbucks garbage pail upon leaving. It's cold at that point anyway. Use the
Starbucks rest room to thoroughly wash the mug.

(I'm only joking here, of course. I would NEVER perpetrate such dastardly
deeds. I think you all know me well enough to understand that, right?)