is it safe to eat an eel that has been frozen but not gutted?
On Wed, 06 Apr 2011 10:29:37 -0500, Omelet > wrote:
>In article >,
> Stu > wrote:
>> Being that we have thousands of lakes within a days drive, and had a father
>> who
>> was a an outdoors man I learned to kill, gut, wash, and freeze with scales
>> on.
>> We used to live off the land when we went camping, my favorite meal was fried
>> rabbit with blueberries.
>Freezing with the scales on... Why? Does it help prevent freezer burn?
>I was taught to freeze fish inside of ice. Fill the bag with water,
>squeeze out the air, then freeze.
You could do that but I bought a machine at costco that cryovacs it. When you
bake or poach the fish you'll find the skin and scales come right off during
cooking. If you fry, then it's no problem once cooked to take the skin/scales