is it safe to eat an eel that has been frozen but not gutted?
On Wed, 06 Apr 2011 11:16:43 -0500, Omelet > wrote:
>In article >,
> Stu > wrote:
>> On Wed, 06 Apr 2011 10:29:37 -0500, Omelet > wrote:
>> >In article >,
>> > Stu > wrote:
>> >
>> >> Being that we have thousands of lakes within a days drive, and had a
>> >> father
>> >> who
>> >> was a an outdoors man I learned to kill, gut, wash, and freeze with scales
>> >> on.
>> >> We used to live off the land when we went camping, my favorite meal was
>> >> fried
>> >> rabbit with blueberries.
>> >
>> >Freezing with the scales on... Why? Does it help prevent freezer burn?
>> >I was taught to freeze fish inside of ice. Fill the bag with water,
>> >squeeze out the air, then freeze.
>> You could do that but I bought a machine at costco that cryovacs it. When you
>> bake or poach the fish you'll find the skin and scales come right off during
>> cooking. If you fry, then it's no problem once cooked to take the skin/scales
>> off.
>Don't some scales come loose and get all over the meat?
The 40yrs. they haven't