Extreme Couponing
What is wrong with these people? I saw one show where the woman bought over
100 cups of yogurt. Yes, she has a husband and three kids but could they
possibly eat all that before they expire? She also bought a ton of mustard.
The person narrating the show said mustard never goes bad. I beg to differ!
This was prepared mustard. It has an expiration date on it. And I know
from experience that if it is really old it gets a watery part and a solid
part. Not good! I also know from both MIL and mother's cupboards that
really old dry mustard hasn't got much flavor. So I would think the
prepared would lose its flavor after time too. Oh and the husband had to
remind her that he doesn't even LIKE mustard. She just laughed.
On another show a woman bought 35 bottles of Maalox tabs. Even when I was
using them on a regular basis for GERD and daughter was sometimes taking
them too, we maybe went through 6 bottles a year, if that!
One man donated a ton of cereal to a food bank. I think that's great! But
most of them don't seem to do that. They are hoarding the food in their
homes. One lady said she had enough chips to feed 800 people. Seriously?
Chips do go bad.
I think saving money is great. And I think it is necessary to keep a stock
of some non-perishable items. Particularly in the winter if you are likely
to be snowed in. Or if you live in an area where roads might be flooded and
you can't get out.
What is wrong with these people?