Hi Dean,
I tried the Steinthal SFTGFOP FF 2004 which has just arrived in Germany.
It's wonderful. For me it tastes remarkably good (with a subtle
peach like sweetness) but unfortunately the price was exceptional as well
On Fri, 16 Apr 2004 17:36:59 GMT, DPM > wrote:
)>After our brief discussion about 2004 Darjeeling, I asked Upton their
)>opinion of the tea so far; they said:
)>"The report I was given is that the first flush season, taking place during
)>3 weeks in the early spring, started out very strong with ideal weather
)>conditions. Then, the weather turned cold and wet bringing the harvest to
)>a dead halt. This made for very stiff competition in vying for the high
)>grade product that was initially harvested. This competition along with
)>the weakness of the US dollar against the Indian rupee, Euro dollar and
)>English pound has resulted in a very high quality product with matching
)>high prices. We were lucky enough to secure more lots than the ones
)>already listed on our website. Look for these new selections to be posted
)>within the next several weeks as they arrive."
)>So what I hear them saying is that the initial tea is good, but there's not
)>much of it, with high prices as a result (US$25-30/100gm retail). I've only
)>tried the Namring so far - I thought it good, but not exceptional.
)>Has anyone else tried the new harvest yet? If so, what do you think?
)>Email address is a spam sink - please reply to group.
)>"There are three principal ways to lose money: wine, women, and engineers.
)>While the first two are more pleasant, the third is by far the more
)>- Baron Rothschild
Peter Irrgang Email:
DESY / ZEUS Homepage: http://www-zeus.desy.de/~irrgang
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