Extreme Couponing
Julie Bove wrote:
> I think saving money is great. And I think it is necessary to keep a
> stock of some non-perishable items. Particularly in the winter if
> you are likely to be snowed in. Or if you live in an area where
> roads might be flooded and you can't get out.
> What is wrong with these people?
It's pretty clear that some of the people have a form of OCD similar
to hoarding. Sometimes it seems to be triggered by having to do
without at some point. On the first special there was one woman
who would cancel any and all plans if she came across some deal.
She'd have to go shopping right then, the heck with that dinner with
friends. Not good.
I like to have extra so that I don't have to watch sales all the time,
like I'll find a good deal on shampoo and I'll get 4 and I'm done
worrying about that for months. If it's often on sale for $2, it bugs
me to pay the "regular" price of $4.50 if I let it get to that point.
I like matching a coupon to a sale as much as the next person, but
it's a full time hobby for these people. I didn't understand the one
woman who thought she'd get $10 off every $50 she'd spend, I've
never known a store deal like that to be more than a one $10 off.
If she's such a couponer, how'd she miss that detail?
I never get how they can take so much off their bill, either. Yes,
double coupons are nice but they rarely wind up with getting a
product for free for me.
I can just see these people's heirs backing up a dumpster to get
rid of stuff they stockpiled 25 years ago.