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Paul M. Cook Paul M. Cook is offline
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Default Extreme Couponing

"Nancy Young" > wrote in message
> Julie Bove wrote:
>> I think saving money is great. And I think it is necessary to keep a
>> stock of some non-perishable items. Particularly in the winter if
>> you are likely to be snowed in. Or if you live in an area where
>> roads might be flooded and you can't get out.
>> What is wrong with these people?

> It's pretty clear that some of the people have a form of OCD similar
> to hoarding. Sometimes it seems to be triggered by having to do
> without at some point. On the first special there was one woman
> who would cancel any and all plans if she came across some deal.
> She'd have to go shopping right then, the heck with that dinner with
> friends. Not good.
> I like to have extra so that I don't have to watch sales all the time,
> like I'll find a good deal on shampoo and I'll get 4 and I'm done worrying
> about that for months. If it's often on sale for $2, it bugs
> me to pay the "regular" price of $4.50 if I let it get to that point.
> I like matching a coupon to a sale as much as the next person, but
> it's a full time hobby for these people. I didn't understand the one
> woman who thought she'd get $10 off every $50 she'd spend, I've
> never known a store deal like that to be more than a one $10 off.
> If she's such a couponer, how'd she miss that detail?
> I never get how they can take so much off their bill, either. Yes, double
> coupons are nice but they rarely wind up with getting a product for free
> for me.
> I can just see these people's heirs backing up a dumpster to get rid of
> stuff they stockpiled 25 years ago.

I will never forget one of those types I once knew. He would literally
drive from his house to Santa Barbara (300 mile round trip) to buy Diet Coke
when it was on sale for 99 cents a 12 pack at some huge outlet there. He'd
buy 2 or 3 cases. And it only cost him 30 bucks in gas.
