Extreme Couponing
Nancy2 wrote:
> On Apr 7, 8:26 am, "Nancy Young" > wrote:
>> I never get how they can take so much off their bill, either. Yes,
>> double coupons are nice but they rarely wind up with getting a
>> product for free for me.
> I don't get where they find all the coupons. Given I live in a city
> with fewer than 100,000 people, but I could buy all the different
> newspapers available on a weekend, clip every coupon in every magazine
> I read, and never have the mountains and mountains of coupons these
> people have (taking them 4 hours a day to sort and plan shopping)....
> and I certainly don't ever get coupons that make the product end up
> being free because most of those are "buy one, get one free."
Got me. Of course the people on the show go out of their way
to get coupons. One woman dumpster dives, people write away
for coupons, another woman somehow gets her newspaper to give
her all the spare coupon inserts they usually toss. Still, I get two
papers and that means I get 2 coupons on any given product.
Hardly stacks of them.
I will never be the people who get $600 grocery bills reduced to
5 bucks. I get excited if bleach is on sale and I have a coupon so
I get 3 for $3 or something. Heh. Amateur.