Extreme Couponing
Paul M. Cook wrote:
> I will never forget one of those types I once knew. He would
> literally drive from his house to Santa Barbara (300 mile round trip)
> to buy Diet Coke when it was on sale for 99 cents a 12 pack at some
> huge outlet there. He'd buy 2 or 3 cases. And it only cost him 30
> bucks in gas.
I have known people like that. A new grocery store opened recently in
Everett, WA. I can't remember the name of it but they are owned by the
employees. Their prices are really good! I was going to Everett that
weekend so did a mapquest to see where it was in relation to where I was
going. It was clear at the other end of the city so I opted not to go
I tend to shop where I am at unless I find the prices to be waaay too high.
I dislike having to pay full price on soda especially with the high price of
it these day. Once in a while I will though. Because I want it.
Heck I don't even go to the military commissary any more. It's in
Marysville. I discovered that the only things I was really saving money on
were juice boxes, cheese, and some meats. The rest of the stuff I can get
here locally for the same price or less. And really now that I am shopping
at Costco for cheese, it's probably just as cheap.
When I lived on a military base and the store was within walking distance,
it was a very handy thing to have. I did do most of my shopping there.
Alas, it was a very small store and they placed a limit of two items per
customer for any items they sold. And they were often out of things. I
remember once the only meat they had was ham. They also restocked only once
a week. So it wasn't the best store but handy.
When we lived on Staten Island, we did make the trip to Brooklyn at least
twice a month to the commissary there. They had a huge turnover in goods
there and it was so frequently restocked that the produce was always fresh.
Yes, they were often out of things but what they did have for sale was
always good. Unlike the grocery stores near me that loved to sell rotted
produce. The prices overall were also much better so I did do the bulk of
my shopping there.