How to cook Foodbanter spammer?
On Fri, 8 Apr 2011 12:13:21 -0400, "Steve Freides" >
> sf wrote:
> > On Tue, 5 Apr 2011 00:54:57 -0500, "Polly Esther"
> > > wrote:
> >
> >>
> >> "Steve Freides" <> wrote > My understanding of recent research is
> >> that there is very little, if
> >>> any, connection between dietary cholesterol and the level in one's
> >>> blood.
> >>>
> >>> -S-
> >>> I know, Steve. I know. But - we've been through the by-pass
> >>> trauma ( twelve years ago) and being very careful about dietary
> >>> cholesterol may / may not have made the difference. Polly
> >
> > "Very little" evidence becomes "enough to be cautious" about when
> > you're actually playing with your spouse's life instead of making it
> > an academic exercise.
> "Very little evidence" means you may be worsing your overall health by
> not eating enough dietary fat. Please do not oversimplify the argument
> to view those who eat dietary fat, including eggs, as being somehow
> carefree - I am not. I make it a point to eat certain kinds of fat
> precisely because they're good for me, good for my health, good for my
> heart, and not because I happen to like the taste of a spoonful of
> coconut oil in the morning.
> If you or anyone else wishes to rest easy because you're following what
> you think is the conservative course of action, "very little evidence"
> should become "enough evidence with which to delude yourself." Read,
> read, and read some more, and then undertake a careful experiment with
> your own body - have blood work done, then alter your diet to include
> healthy fats (and zero trans fats, partially and fully hydrogenated
> oils, etc.) for a few months, then have bloodwork done again. See how
> you feel, and see what your doctor says. Please post your results here
> when you do.
I don't know why you took that to mean *no* fat. Just because you and
others have gone overboard on no fat diets doesn't mean everyone does
crazy things like that. People eat far more than their recommended
daily allowance and that's a fact; otherwise there wouldn't be so many
morbidly obese people walking around (and posting to rfc). I am
talking about limiting saturated fats to the 20 or so mg that a
healthy diet allows and not going over it. If you want to waste part
of your saturated fat intake on a gratuitous spoonful or coconut oil
or translate what I said into some crazy no fat diet, knock yourself
Today's mighty oak is just yesterday's nut that held its ground.