Rec: Hungarian Goulash
Wayne > wrote:
> Hungarian Goulash
> 2 lb. Stew meat diced
> 3 onions sliced
> 2 tbs. Paprika
> 1 clove garlic minced
> 1 tsp. Rosemary sage mix
> 1tsp. Caraway seeds
> ˝ tsp. Marjarom
> 1 tsp. Vinegar
> 1 c dry red wine
> 1 tbs. Olive oil
> 2 tbs. flour
> Dredge meat in seasoned flour. Remove meat and sweat onions, add
> seasonings and cook until fragrant. Add the rest of the ingredients,
> cover and simmer 2 hours or until tender.
It is not a Hungarian recipe; it is a generic stew. Adding paprika does
not a Hungarian dish make. In Hungary, gulyás is a soup; dishes that
are somewhat stew-like are called pörkölt, paprikás, or tokány - and are
made differently and with different ingredients.