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Catmandy (Sheryl) Catmandy (Sheryl) is offline
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Posts: 312
Default Extreme Couponing

On Apr 9, 9:41*am, zxcvbob > wrote:
> So many coupons lately are "Save 40 when you buy 2!", and for items
> where I *might* buy one if it were on sale, but that's it.
> -Bob

The reason so many coupons are for 2 items instead of 1 is because the
manufacturer wants you to be well stocked with THEIR product until
their next promotion, and skip their competitor's promos. If you have
sufficient Wishbone salad dressing or Kelloggs cereal in the house,
the average person won't be tempted to use that coupon next week for
Kraft salad dressing and General Mills cereals.

A lot of marketing research goes into figuring out the "lifecycle" of
consumer packaged goods. If It takes the average family x number of
weeks to use up 2 boxes of cereal or bottles of salad dressing, then
the CPG company knows to run that coupon every x number of weeks.

And you can best believe, it's no accident that Wishbone goes on sale
2/$4 the very same week there's a coupon in the Sunday paper for $1
off two! It's a well-planned strategy to keep Wishbone salad dressing
users from buying Kraft salad dressing.