Two Cup
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Michael Plant
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Two Cup
(Alex S.) wrote in message
> . com>...
>> When I purchased tea bags it sais "two-cup premium tea bags". So, I
>> assumed that they meant 250ml cups. Then I looked at the serving size,
>> and it said 1 175 ml cup was one serving. Do they mean it can brew two
>> 175ml cups from one bag or 2 250ml cups from one bag? How many bags
>> would I put in a 1 L tea pot? Thanks in advance!
> I've found out myself. You may brew two 175 ml cups from one bag.
Before I make my purchase, please clarify: Does that mean I can make one
brew of 350 ml, two brews of 175 ml, or four brews of 87.5 ml. If I'm off by
say 10% will it adversely affect the tea? Will these parameters work equally
well at 6K meters ASL? Thanks in advance.
BTW, you are smart to have bought the premium teabags. Premium teabags are
definitely the way to go.
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