Rec: Hungarian Goulash
On Apr 9, 4:04*pm, "Michael Kuettner" > wrote:
> "Portland" schrieb :
> > Leves means soup in Hungarian. *As I've shown in previous posts.
> > Goulash is a Hungarian dish, although it is eaten all over now. *It's
> > not Austrian.
> You haven't shown anything, you dumb Yankee.
> Until 1919 Hungary was part of Austria.
> Go and learn some history.
I'm not a dumb Yankee. I know that there was a land known as Austro-
Hungary until 1919. My ancestors are from Hungary, from the 1700's
The official language at one time in Hungary was German. It was also
Latin at one time. Eventually the Magyar tongue became the official
However, Gulyas is a Hungarian dish; not an Austrian one. There was
always a difference culturally between Hungary and Austria. They are
two different peoples.
If you want to eat Austrian, go to Vienna and eat a veal cutlet. You
will be surprised how good it is. Their veal is something else. At
least it was when I was there; back in 1973.
Besides, I'm a Canadian.