Two Cup
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Alex S.
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Two Cup
Michael Plant > wrote in message >...
> Alex
> >
(Alex S.) wrote in message
> > . com>...
> >> When I purchased tea bags it sais "two-cup premium tea bags". So, I
> >> assumed that they meant 250ml cups. Then I looked at the serving size,
> >> and it said 1 175 ml cup was one serving. Do they mean it can brew two
> >> 175ml cups from one bag or 2 250ml cups from one bag? How many bags
> >> would I put in a 1 L tea pot? Thanks in advance!
> >
> > I've found out myself. You may brew two 175 ml cups from one bag.
> Before I make my purchase, please clarify: Does that mean I can make one
> brew of 350 ml, two brews of 175 ml, or four brews of 87.5 ml. If I'm off by
> say 10% will it adversely affect the tea? Will these parameters work equally
> well at 6K meters ASL? Thanks in advance.
> BTW, you are smart to have bought the premium teabags. Premium teabags are
> definitely the way to go.
> Michael
That is a good question Micheal. I received this message from Tetley:
Two 175ml cups may be brewed from one teabag.
Thank you for choosing Tetley!
Kathy Tolj
Tetley Canada Inc.
Consumer Services
I assume that you can make a brew of 350ml with one bag. I'm really
not sure. I would advise experimenting yourslef. Not sure how altitude
would affect your tea.
Hope that helped at least a little
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