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Posts: 394
Default OT to all you haters

"Paul M. Cook" > wrote in :

> "Michel Boucher" > wrote in message
> ...
>> spamtrap1888 > wrote in
>>> We can all live our lives without knowing anyone's personal
>>> likes and dislikes, the foibles of their family and friends,
>>> etc.

>> However, in my experience on rfc and other groups, NOT knowing
>> anything about someone is often just as much a cause of
>> misunderstandings as knowing. When posters take a dislike to
>> someone and suppute scenarios about their lives as though they
>> could read them like a book, they are often talking about
>> themselves and their own shortcomings.
>> Then there are the hypersensitive (and you know who you are) who go
>> off half-cocked with wild accusations when someone for example (no
>> names please) mentions they have not eaten deep dish pizza before
>> or any other such triviality they seem to think is a deep offense
>> to them. The only thing you can do is to laugh and consign them to
>> the bozo bin in perpetuity.

> Oh the memories, LOL. I once posted that I made a fabbo Phad Thai and
> the trick was adding a dollop of Laura Schudder's chunky peanut butter
> to dissolve in the sauce. It really made a difference and chopped
> peanuts are an ingredient to begin with. You'd have thought I'd bbq'd a
> puppy. The vitriol and hate was nothing short of mental illness.

Mmmmmmmmmmm, bbq'd puppy, Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm :-)

Peter Lucas

Nothing ever truely dies
the Universe wastes nothing
everything is simply... transformed