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Kalmia Kalmia is offline
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Default OT to all you haters

On Apr 13, 9:26*am, Dave Smith > wrote:

> I use my credit card to pay my phone and internet bill and my satellite
> bill and the very rare online or telephone order, and I use it for meals
> and hotels when travelling. And that's about it. If I am not going to
> have the money to pay the bill when it comes, I don't use the card.

I put everything I can on the cr. cd. I haven't reached for cash
since I bought a can of beer at an outdoor festival last year. I'll
take that cr. cd. rebate every month with glee. Over the years, it
has amounted to thousands of dollars. Like finding money on the
street. I have no idea how I would make lodging or flight reservations
without a cr. cd.

I also trust implicitly automatic drafts to get my monthly utilities
and a few other pledges paid without my lifting a finger. So far,
there had never been an error and I've been using it for years. It
even gets the charities off yer back if you agree to an automatic
donation every month. (Hmmmm. Maybe I should get THOSE on the cr. c.d