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Bryan[_6_] Bryan[_6_] is offline
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Default Cutting butter into biscuits using microwave.

On Apr 16, 11:19*am, "Felice" > wrote:
> "Bryan" > wrote in message
> > Lots of slivers of cold butter cut in, then microwaved 20 seconds,
> > stirred with spoon, repeat repeat repeat. Then add milk. 1st time
> > trying this. *Anyone else try this? *Did I reinvent the wheel? *They
> > turned out kind of flat because i rolled them out too thin, but my son
> > loved them and he's really picky. *Hmmm? *What to put on butter
> > biscuits? *That's easy, more butter.

> > --Bryan

> Not sure about the nuking but I might just try it. However, I'm with you all
> the way on the butter.

The idea is to sliver the butter very thinly and add it to the flour
mixture and stir to coat the butter, then add more butter and stir,
and repeat until all the butter is added. Then as you stir and nuke
over and over, on the last stirring before adding the milk, use the
spoon to smash and break up any buttery clumps. You could just wait
for time to warm the butter, but doing it this way I ended up with
biscuits in less than a half hour.
> Felice
