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Janet Wilder[_1_] Janet Wilder[_1_] is offline
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Default Cutting butter into biscuits using microwave.

On 4/16/2011 10:21 AM, Bryan wrote:
> Lots of slivers of cold butter cut in, then microwaved 20 seconds,
> stirred with spoon, repeat repeat repeat. Then add milk. 1st time
> trying this. Anyone else try this? Did I reinvent the wheel? They
> turned out kind of flat because i rolled them out too thin, but my son
> loved them and he's really picky. Hmmm? What to put on butter
> biscuits? That's easy, more butter.
> --Bryan

I learned this trick from The Two Fat Ladies: Freeze the butter. Cut
off the required amount (plus a tad more) and grate it on the large
holes of a box grater. The dad more is to compensate for what gets stuck
in the grater.

I have used this method for pie crusts and biscuits and find it's the
easiest way to get the butter into tiny bits.

Janet Wilder
Way-the-heck-south Texas
Spelling doesn't count. Cooking does.