Thread: Is sugar toxic?
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Dave Smith[_1_] Dave Smith[_1_] is offline
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Default Is sugar toxic?

On 20/04/2011 12:45 PM, Roy wrote:

>> Water is toxic starting at over 10 liters per day. Water is not toxic
>> below that level. Sugar works the same way. In the US the total
>> consumption of sugar has gotten high enough to make a lot of people sick.

> ==
> Most people do not have a problem with sugar other than diabetics. The
> human body uses sugar much like your car uses gasoline and can
> manufacture its own from starches and does so quite efficiently and
> automatically with no prompting from the People have been
> railing against sugar consumption for decades for all the good that it
> does.

That may be a chicken and egg sort of question. Sugar is indeed an
issue for diabetics. From what I have gathered over the years, it is use
of overuse of sugar that often leads to diabetes.