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Space Cowboy
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Default BBC - An Empire in a Teacup

I'm the preacher so obviously I meant anathema. Hey Google you can
spend some of that IPO money on your search engine so I can look for
webpages that contain embedded media files talking about tea. Now my
search is TEA REALPLAYER which isn't that bad for false hits. The
wierdest so far an Australia agriculture minister speech to switch
from cattle to green tea for the Asian rim. Those media links on
webpages can be obscure. I'm still having a ball since I traded in my
14.4 modem for broadband in January. You do need a firewall, virus
protection and anti-hijacking software which I've learned the hardway.


Derek > wrote in message >...
> While intrepidly exploring, Livio Zanini rolled
> initiative and posted the following:
> > "Space Cowboy" > ha scritto nel messaggio
> > om...
> >> Here is the antithema URL
> >>
> >>
> >>

> >
> > Once I am on that page, where should I click on to hear it?

> "Listen again" Second column from the left, second item down.