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notbob[_5_] notbob[_5_] is offline
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Default [OT] iPhone "leaks like a sieve"

On 2011-04-20, sf > wrote:

> There's even more snooping going on.

I'm not sure which is more scary. The fact that that business and
govt continually slice away at our freedoms, rights, and protections
or that the ppl of the US now seemed resigned to the loss of these
lawful protections as an perfectly acceptable trade-off for
convenience of instant access to the next celebrity ditz revelation.
It's sheer insanity.

It's really scary reading some rfc ppl, here, saying, in essence,
"It's going to happen. Just accept it". Are those the same ppl who
ponder why six million Jews went to the ovens instead of fighting?
Apparently not.

On one hand, parents lament how evil the World has become and how no
one is safe anymore and how their kids can't play outdoors or walk to
school alone anymore, then they slap a device in the kids hand that
lets any dirtbag with a more than passing amount of computer savvy track
the kid's every move. WTF!!??

Is your kid being tracked? Al Franken wants to know:

I used to think my daughter was a bit paranoid in not letting her
young daughters have unlimited access to the internet and their own
cell phones. Now I'm not so sure she's been unwise.

I'm even researching jes how much available info is being collected on
my cheapo crappy Tracphone, which I rarely even use. Geez, I jes
realized what an insidious name that is!
