Thread: Is sugar toxic?
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James Silverton[_4_] James Silverton[_4_] is offline
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Default Is sugar toxic?

On 4/21/2011 3:53 PM, James Silverton wrote:
> On 4/21/2011 2:29 PM, Mark Thorson wrote:
>> James Silverton wrote:
>>> By the way, I like honey, especially when the plant sources are named,
>>> like "orange blossom honey". I still remember my first visit to France
>>> where I saw a store in Paris that sold nothing but dozens of different
>>> types of honey. They like honey made from pine tree flowers in Germany
>>> but that you can keep!

>> I don't think any pine trees produce nectar.
>> They are wind pollinated.

> Well, that's what the jar said! :-)

Let me add another use of honey or English Golden Syrup). According to
John Emsley in "The Consumer's good Chemical Guide", they can be
hangover cures! "The feeling of nausea and headache that accompany a
night of drinking are the result of the body turning alcohol into toxic
acetaldehyde. The body breaks down acetaldehyde into less toxic
substances but this process leaves it malnourished. A breakfast of honey
or syrup glazed toast can supply the body with essential *fructose*,
potassium and sodium", according to the Royal Society of Chemistry.


James Silverton, Potomac

I'm "not"