Organic Milk Question
On Apr 22, 6:19*am, "graham" > wrote:
> "JeanineAlyse" > wrote in message
> > I rarely drink a glass of milk, maybe once in the past ten years. *I
> > first buy of "Horizon" brand organic well before my massive Christmas
> > 2010 baking was to begin, and what a deal, with very good flavor! *My
> > question is why does the organic milk have such a long good-use life
> > as compared to (what I'll call) plain ole fresh milk?
> > ...Picky
And Graham responds with....
> If it's fresh, it doesn't!!
> The only difference is that the cows have been fed on pastures that have
> been certified as organic or their food supplements are similarly certified.
> Also, they haven't been given any nasty stuff like hormones to increase
> production.
Graham, I am confused here. If what is fresh, it doesn't what?
I have proven that a quart of plain ole milk lasts less than two weeks
after opening and refrigerating, while with the same open-refrigerate
organic milk lasts well over a month, maybe even close to two months
before souring or taste loss.
Cindy, your tell and comment on "High-temperature pasteurization, just
like the whipping cream being discussed in another thread. It makes
the make taste cooked, which isn't a problem for cooking, but I don't
like it for drinking." seems to be the logic I was needing. I keep
milk on hand pretty much just for cooking, though about once a week I
use it for cold cerea or hot oats nd I am quite happy with the taste
in those.
Thank you all, Picky