On 4/23/2011 4:42 AM, Andy wrote:
> > wrote:
>> On 4/22/2011 4:34 PM, atec77 wrote:
>>> On 23/04/2011 12:24 PM, notbob wrote:
>>>> On 2011-04-23, > wrote:
>>>>> Maybe notbob can't afford one and hates to think everyone else has
>>>>> one. Hence his attempt to discredit the iPhone.
>>>> I had you pegged as one who was at least semi computer literate and
>>>> likely to see my post for what it was, a heads-up on a possible
>>>> security issue.
>>>> "Hates to think"!? Stood in front of a mirror, lately?
>>>> nb
>>> I have avoided then apple phones with good reason, I simply dislike
>>> the apple ethos and now it seems that feeling was correct , my
>>> current htc runs a free o/s which appears to not have secrets
>> I don't believe that this is the case, my android phone will transmit
>> data at random moments and sometimes it appears that someone's taking
>> control of my phone - I'll find the settings changes.
>> I have my phone setup to not share my information location, not enable
>> GPS, not enable background data, and not auto-sync with any
>> application. I don't allow the bluetooth and the wi-fi to connect
>> automatically. Heck, I even turn the 3G networks off.
>> I do this to increase battery life but I also don't like the phone
>> sending information without my knowledge yet it's obvious to me that
>> it's doing just that.
>> My guess is that the dirty little secret about the Android OS is that
>> it's a huge security risk with so many holes in it that I might have
>> to find some other OS. The nasty habit of giving so much control to
>> the apps has to be changed. A lot of the apps that come with the phone
>> can't be deleted nor can it's settings be changed. It's a total wild
>> wild west out there in Android land. The shocking thing is that it
>> appears that hardly anybody seems to be aware of these problems. My
>> guess is that someday the shit will hit the fan. It's an awful shame
>> that the price for thumbing our noses at Microsoft and Apple comes at
>> such a high price.
> Doesn't matter which cell phone or service provider!!!
> Thanks to the GPS chip in today's cell phones, you can run but you can't
> hide.
> You can always "opt out" of using cell phones entirely and quit bitching
> and Chicken Little preaching about "Big Brother!!!"
Or instead of "roll over and die" users can push back when business and
government become overbearing as in this case where if you want the
utility of a smartphone you need to bend over and forcibly accept an
anal probe..
> I'm not worried whatsoever, considering the uninteresting life I now
> live. I especially feel sorry for the life someone else, on the job,
> must have listening to it!!!
> LOL!
> Andy
> Boring rfc for the past 10+ years!!! 