[OT] iPhone "leaks like a sieve"
dsi1 wrote:
> On 4/23/2011 2:37 AM, Nancy Young wrote:
>> Honestly, I don't think they're any different in this regard. At
>> least, not from what I've heard. I saw recently that the iPhone is
>> keeping track of everywhere you've been, creepy.
>> nancy
> It might be creepy but every time you use a cell phone you're giving
> away your location information.
Oddly, I don't have a problem with that, you need to pick up
a signal to place a call. I don't think you even need to make a
call for there to be a record kept by the companies where police
can get to it if there's some reason.
But that they keep a record on your iPhone/whatever without you
knowing, I have to guess for apps to be able to see where you go,
that creeps me.
> Additionaly, my Samsung Behold 2
> Android phone has several ways to send out my location. There's
> options in the setup menu to "Share with Google", "Use wireless
> networks", "Enable GPS satellites." The apps that you load in and the
> apps that come with your phone all seem to be hungry for your
> location.
Yeah, all those apps doing whatever they want without you knowing,
who signed up for that. Installing data collecting or whatever it is
they do.