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George[_1_] George[_1_] is offline
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Default [OT] iPhone "leaks like a sieve"

On 4/23/2011 8:03 AM, Andy wrote:
> George,
> I'm of the opinion that...
> Everybody's making an issue out of something that has been known for
> decades WAY BEFORE Apple got into the cell phone biz!!!
> All of a sudden, now, "the sky is falling, the sky is falling" mentality
> has won the day and Apple's to blame??? WRONG!!!!!!
> Opt out of cell phone usage and shut the **** up. Problem solved!!!
> Andy

You could look at it that way and be a rider in the boat and not a
puller on the oars. What do you think this country would be like if
people didn't speak up?

I got wind through a friend that the state police had their own rules
about gun permit reciprocity. One of the most basic ideas in our system
is that police do not make rules but only enforce the rules that are
enacted by the legislature. I contacted my state rep's office who is a
liberal and was an anti gun guy. I asked to have him call me back and we
talked about how wrong it was to have the police make rules. He wrote
the state police commissioner asking for an explanation. A month letter
I received a copy of the letter written by the police commissioner to my
state rep explaining that he would honor gun permits according to law.

And even liberals can learn things. I called my rep a number of times
asking for his support of Castle Doctrine legislation. Initially he
disagreed with me and two months ago he was a sponsor of the

If your representative doesn't know your name then you aren't doing your
part as a citizen.

Wellsfargo bought Wachovia and started the rebranding a few months ago.
One day I walked into the bank and asked to cash a check. I have
multiple accounts there and the teller knows me. The teller apologized
and said she had to ask for my drivers license. I asked why and she said
it was the new policy. I took the check back and went over to the
managers office. He was afraid to do anything so I asked him to get
whoever he reports to on the phone. It took a while and I politely told
the guy that it was offensive to ask known customers for an ID but
perfectly understandable if they were unknown. He replied he would look
into it and actually said he wished more people would express their
opinion. Maybe a week later I walked in and asked to cash a check and
got a big smile from the same teller who said they now didn't need to
ask for ID if they knew the customer.