[OT] iPhone "leaks like a sieve"
On 4/24/2011 9:15 AM, Nancy Young wrote:
> George wrote:
>> And without delving into if it actually works how would you know it
>> actually does anything? It isn't some sort of easily observable thing
>> like turning off the light in the bedroom.
> Not to be paranoid, but the same thing crossed my mind.
> A lot of these people have shown that they don't respect
> privacy and don't get why people think it's a big deal. Sort
Sleezy folks who lack a moral compass never think they are sleezy.
> of like facebook changing privacy settings on a whim every now and then.
> Ooops, sorry ... then two months later they pull another stunt.
>> Personal smart communications devices are becoming very pervasive and
>> there are many people like me who want to know exactly what they are
>> doing and how the providers and manufacturers are respecting my
>> freedom and privacy. It isn't at all acceptable to not expect more
>> from them.
> It's not like these devices are free. They cost a lot of money, one
> would hope they'd be for your use, not for the selling to collect data
> about you. Maybe they should pay *you* to carry around these
> devices that are collecting data for them.
Exactly, Offer a free device and service for anyone who wants it with
the condition users give up all privacy. If someone pays for a device
and service you respect their privacy rights.
> nancy
> nancy