iPhone "leaks like a sieve"
On Apr 24, 3:45*am, "Nancy Young" > wrote:
> notbob wrote:
> > On 2011-04-24, George > wrote:
> >> Known what? That we always need to be vigilant?
> > Most ppl are unaware some ABS braking systems can record vehicle
> > speeds, so if you are in an accident and the device reveals you were
> > speeding when you hit the brakes, your insurance can use that info to
> > negate any claim you might file. *Hello! *That $100 mo you've been
> > paying is money down the toilet cuz your car jes ratted you out! *:|
> I know they started putting black boxes into cars, I imagine they
> all have them at this point. *I guess. *
> nancy
Modern cars have computer controllers in place to keep emissions under
control and to have the desired mix of performance and fuel
efficiency. In order to do this, it keeps tab on engine conditions and
vehicle speed. They're not black boxes in the sense of being a
fortified data gathering device. They are actually the heart of the
emission control system.
As far as I know the boxes are proprietary systems belonging to the
manufacturer and any data that may remain in the computers after a
crash is not available to
outside agencies.