iPhone "leaks like a sieve"
On 4/24/2011 11:29 AM, Andy wrote:
> > wrote:
>> Computer star maps have been around for a while. This is different.
>> Google Sky can transpose the star map against the sky. It has to know
>> the azimuth and degree of tilt of the phone in addition to the GPS
>> info. It calculates this in real time. Somehow it knows the
>> orientation of the phone in space. As far as I know, I've never
>> calibrated the phone.
> Ever notice in the map app, if you tap the blue button (bottom left) the
> iPhone will orientate the map in whichever direction you're facing? You DO
> need to calibrate the compass to be accurate.
> Andy
I don't have Google Sky on my iPad, will check it out. On my Android
phone, the app is blue-buttonless.