Thread: Loaded up
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Blair P. Houghton
Posts: n/a
Default It came today ( Loaded up)

Hamilcar Barca > wrote:
>In article > (Fri, 04 Jun 2004
>02:21:45 +0000), Blair P. Houghton wrote:
>> Blair P. Houghton > wrote:
>>>I did a little shopping online at SpecialTeas.Com today:
>>>[list of teas]

>> Well that was quick.

>Please don't post any more lists of yummy teas. They're causing some of
>us hardship, as we feel compelled to order some for ourselves!

Sir. Put down the Internet and walk away.

>> I ordered it Sunday and it was in my mailbox today.

>That's standard for Special Teas. I decided to try Upton, for the first

And what happened?

>> the Makaibari, must have been out of stock, because
>> they substitued Kenilworth OP and deducted the price of the
>> Makaibari.

>You ordered a Darjeeling and they sent a Ceylon?

I guess. It's free, as they didn't charge anything
for the replacement; they could have just said "out of
stock" and deleted the price and done nothing to make up.
I like their idea better.

The website still has the Maikabari listed, so maybe they
just didn't have the $2 sample sizes. I've got lots of tea
to try, or I'd call them and see what the deal with it is.

"Step *away* from the interaction."