Easter Eggs
Omelet wrote:
> Why are some people ashamed to take their uneaten food home? *
> After all, you paid for it! *
Bringing home doggie bags from restaurnats is nothing, look at how
many won't eat left overs from food prepared at home... I bet if
Chatty Cathy took a poll more than half (if honest) will admit that
they won't eat the same food two days in a row... and those who whine
the most about the prices at the grocery toss their LOs directly in
the trash, and most left overs that do make it to the fridge
eventually end up in the trash anyway. I don't think it has anything
to do with "ashamed", has all to do with being raised as an
irresponsible spoiled brat that never becomes a mature adult... shame
is not an emotion such infantile folks ever experience.