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Doug Freyburger Doug Freyburger is offline
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Default Pecorino Romano vs Parmigiano Reggiano

> Doug Freyburger > wrote:
>>> Not really. Romano cheese isn't real.

>>You have an extremely different threshhold for the word "real" than I
>>do. Velveeta is not "real". There are a lot of options for American
>>process cheese that make it not "real". But saying Romano cheese isn't
>>real is like saying Cheddar isn't real. Have fun with that.

> He's just saying that seeing a label that says "Romano," if it's not
> an Italian AOC-equivalent, tells you absolutely nothing about what the
> cheese is made from or how it is made. At best, it gives you some idea
> of the flavor profile.

Yeah, and cheddar only comes from England and champagne only comes from
France. If the comment really was about labelling laws my point
remains. The stuff that says romano on the label tastes like the
imported capitalized version whichever critter the milk came from. Same
as cheddars and sparkling wines.

The label is not what makes it real. The product is what makes it real.