Sqwertz wrote:
> On Fri, 29 Apr 2011 12:16:33 -0600, Janet Bostwick wrote:
>>The Queen is giving a lunchtime Reception at Buckingham Palace for
>>around 650 guests drawn from the Wedding Service congregation,
>>representing the Couple�s official and private lives.
> I can't imagine the politics of inviting only 2000(?) people to a
> wedding. And then cherry-picking 650 of those for a special lunch.
Back in the 1970's for the sake of some trust funds that had been set up
years previously, the British courts delineated some 600 + specific
people as being directly descended from Queen Victoria.
And the Japanese Royal Family declined their invitation because of their
countries recent trauma.
> I wonder if the happy couple got to choose anybody.
The Wedding Breakfast was held at Buckingham Palace and Hosted by The
Queen and Prince Philip so i would assume it was Her party to give.
Even after Charles & Diana's wedding the parents (Liz & Phil) left the
palace to the kids for the evening party.
> So I take it they got married and she didn't stand him up at the
> altar? Bummer.
Second thoughts any time after they put your face on the tea towels is
considered rather bad form

> -sw