Is Emeril getting sillier?
"NTANTIQUES" > wrote in message
> >
> >i actually dont mind emeril-wonder why he brings out so much animosity in
> >people? sure he is over the top but it is just his schtick-i think most
> >the stuff he cooks on his show looks yummy. his audience i could live
> >without tho.
> >
> >plus has emeril ever dissed any chef/personalities like bourdain disses
> >emeril from time to time?
> >
> >kag
> >
> >Mike Acord > wrote in message
> ...
> >> I'm afraid that it is not possible for Emeril to get any sillier.
> >> Mike Acord
> >>
> >> TOM KAN PA wrote:
> >> > It seems that everything that Emeril does that 'bugs' people is
> >being
> >> > SNIP
> Have to admit to a serious Food TV habit, but move on when Emeril comes up
> the lineup. He may well be cooking something interesting but I can't bear
> witless enthusiasm his audiences are goaded into displaying every blessed
> he mentions "kicking it up a notch," "BAM" or adding garlic or booze to a
> The schtick might be "cute" once or twice, but now it's like fingernails
on a
> blackboard. I think it's time for Emeril to hire some writers or take the
> money and run.
> NT
LOL That or he's giving us a lesson about the stove knob