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Default Carcade tea ...or a sweeter red tea -help!

Hey, thanks for your help with this. I'm still trying to find out
which red tea I had at a south american outlet one time - it was a
sweetish red tea, but sugar was added to it i think. I was told it was
pronounced carcidia, so carcade could still be the one. Do you have
any suggestions for a swet red tea at all? Tar, Rhys

GLau > wrote in message >...
> torlesse put his brain into words:
> > has anyone heard of a kind od red tea called carcidia (the spelling
> > may be wrong!)

> Do you Carcade, which is not a tea at all, but an red african infusion of
> hibiscus flowers? Drunk alone, it is very acid, and most people add at
> least sugar.
> I recently discovered that Carcarde may also give good results when mixed
> with African black tea.