Did I make the "RFC Book of Records"?
On May 3, 9:41*am, Sqwertz > wrote:
> On Tue, 03 May 2011 18:27:43 +0200, ChattyCathy wrote:
> > Went to do a serious "food restock" today at a local supermarket (after a
> > plethora of public holidays here in RSA) and I came home with a "till
> > slip" (or "cashiers receipt") that was 1.31 meters long (or 4.3 feet) -
> > Jack actually measured it <grin>. Out of 116 items I only bought three
> > non-food items i.e a roll of alumnium foil, a pack of fire-lighters for
> > the "braai" and a bottle of dish washing liquid (which IMHO are still food
> > related). The list did include both dog and cat food.
> > Heh, don't think I've ever bought as many items at one time in one
> > food store before.
> A 20 item receipt from Restaurant Depot would be just as long,
> especially if you pay with plastic.
> -sw
A receipt with two items from Albertsons is about 18 inches long.