Did I make the "RFC Book of Records"?
ChattyCathy wrote:
> On Tue, 03 May 2011 16:24:19 -0400, Nancy Young wrote:
>> I've never bought that much at a food store at one time, probably
>> I've hit $125 at some point. That's a lot. The hardest part is now
>> you have all that stuff home and you have to lug it in from the car
>> and put it away. Whew!
> Like I said in my OP, we've had a bunch of public holidays plus the
> Easter long-weekend here so a lot of stores were closed and/or only
> open for limited hours a day for the past two weeks which makes the
> stores extra crowded when they are open - so I avoid "big" food
> shopping when that happens like the plague.
My local supermarket is across the street from a large Catholic
church, so I don't go when mass lets out. In other words, I know
what you're saying, why go when you know it's going to be a
mad house.
> We have a few (very
> local) Mom and Pop stores that I do shop at for "essentials" but I
> needed to stock up on staples like sugar, flour, olive oil, canned
> tomatoes, fruit juice etc.
I don't know how it happens, but once in a while I'll realize I
need a little bit of everything. That's when I wind up doing a big
> There were quite a few bags, yes - but luckily Jack always volunteers
> to lug the stuff from the car to the kitchen for me; I knew there was
> a reason I married him ;-)
Heh. Very handy! Not just fun to have around, he does stuff.
> Took me maybe half an hour to pack stuff away.
Not too bad. I'd probably still leave some stuff to put away later.