A few topics
In article >, Lewis Perin > wrote:
(KeemunBLK) writes:
>> [...]
>> Also, about green tea, one of the best I ever had was called Mt. Wen
>> Baojong. It was bulk, and sold by the (now defunct?) Water and
>The tea you're thinking of is a lightly oxidized oolong rather than a
>green tea, strictly speaking. You'll probably have better luck
>finding it if you use more common transliterations: Wen Shan rather
>than Mt. Wen, and Baozhong (or Pouchong) rather than Baojong.
yes, it's more commonly translated as Wen Shan (shan = mountain). it's a
Taiwanese tea. & very lightly oxidized. i like it, too.
bye now,
pam @ home ¤p¬}
Pam's Ode to Spammers & Telemarketers
May all spammers & telemarketers die an agonizing death; have no
burial places; their souls be chased by demons in Gehenna from one
room to another for 1000 years.