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Boomer Boomer is offline
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Default factory produced meat aka "Food inc."

Being type 2 more or less pushes me into eating more meat than most people do. I just watched a documentary called €śFood Inc.€ť. This video shocked me. I saw on the screen how poultry and meat were raised and butchered. It was disgusting. The filth in which these animals live is horrible. They are then butchered covered with faeces.

I was disgusted enough to do something. I found 5 nearby cattle and poultry farms that sell directly. I had no idea that I had other choices than the super market. These 5 places raise free ranging animals. You actually go to their farm to buy the meat. And, it is not much more expensive than the horrible stuff sold in the super market.

I just need to buy about a 6 month supply before winter sets in again. We will store it in our freezer.
