I'd like to make a suggestion. Would people please add links to the stores
where they purchased their various pots into their replies when speaking of
specifics. One mans's teapot may have the same name as another, but the
store may be a bit more reputable than another and have a higher grade
product. If a newbie sees a consensus of where to buy, it may help them a
"Joanne Rosen" > wrote in message
> my first teapot was a brown betty-
> in addition, as a newbie, i purchased a thermometer and little strainer
> with handle-
> my second purchase was a jenaer teapot and teacup which are my favorites-
> i sometimes use t-sacs or finum tee filters which have gussettedbottom.
> at this time in my tea adventure i have a little teapot collection
> yixings and porcelains-
> joanne
> "Kevin Pfeifle" > wrote in message
> ...
> > Hello All:
> >
> > I started my voyage into loose tea with a black tea sampler and
> > individual filters from upton. When I order more tea, I would like to
> > get a "real" teapot. What do you all think of the small (2-Cup)
> > Chatsford pots with the built in infuser? Also, a question about the
> > Yixing pots. I take it that the tea is added directly to the pot and
> > it is strained before pouring...is this correct? Thanks!
> >
> > --------------
> > Kevin
> > http://www.theperfectsky.com
> > Email: kpfeifle AT kligerweiss DOT com
> ---
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