On May 6, 8:25*pm, Mark Thorson > wrote:
> Bryan wrote:
> > I found it when I was looking for info on Japanese chilies.
> >http://www.clovegarden.com/ingred/chili.html#H1
> > I saw the Japanese ones at Global Foods and bought a package. *Good
> > taste, but not much heat.
> That's basically what defines Japan chilis. *All the flavor
> and a lot less heat. *I stopped using those a long time ago
> in favor of Thai and arbol chilis.
I love the taste of Arbols. Like cayennes, but better. The only ones
I don't like much are the habanero varieties. They remind me of
tropical fruits that I dislike. This year I've planted NuMex Big
Jims, Serranos, Jalapenos and one Habanero for the heat. I'm going to
put a few of those Japanese seeds in too.